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Protect Those Feet!

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert9 years ago
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Water shoes, aqua socks, flip-flops, whatever you have, you need to protect your feet this summer. This time of year people are running around barefoot and spreading some pretty nasty stuff around. Water Park restrooms, public pools, locker rooms are all breeding grounds for plantar warts and Athlete’s Foot.  Not familiar with these contagious foot issues? Here are some things to look for if you think you may have contracted one of these little gems. A plantar wart is a fungal infection that can be a painful bump. They are most commonly found on the hands and feet. They usually go away on their own but it may take years. If you would like to rid yourself sooner apply a salicylic acid to the infection and keep it covered to avoid it from spreading to others. In about 12 weeks the infection should be cleared. Athlete’s foot is just as easy to get rid of. If your feet are itchy, red and starting to blister, start an over-the-counter athlete foot treatment like the Stiefel Zeasorb Super Absorbent Antifungal Treatment For Athlete’s Foot . Within a few weeks of consistent use the infections should be gone.

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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