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Why Beauty Sleep Is Important

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Want to know an insider tip that will dramatically decreases wrinkles, stress and improve your health? The best part is, it’s free to everyone! It won’t cost any of us a dime, but maybe an extra hour or so of your time. The trick is getting a full 8 hours of sleep. Seems simple right?! Studies have proven time and time again that during your sleep cycle you skin naturally repairs itself due to the growth hormone (A.K.A the youth hormone) that is released during sleep. Also, during the hours of 11pm- 7am (or whatever you time of slumber may be) levels of cortisol are lowered that were most likely heightened during the hectic daytime hours. High levels of cortisol will; increase body fat, cause depression, thin the skin, and are toxic to the body.  Falling into a deep sleep causes your body to release more melatonin in the body which has positive effects on your skin and immune system. Melatonin helps regulate the body’s internal clock to keep the body in rhythm trying to balance out any negative levels of cortisol. So its best encourage this process at night by applying hydrating moisturizes to support the repair process. Anyone of us can testify that when we do not get a good night sleep it shows. It’s more difficult to focus and we become easily stressed which in turn causes those bad levels of cortisol to rise. Just remember when those levels increase your only aging yourself, so it’s important to take time to relax before bedtime. Receiving an adequate amount of sleep will restore the glow and luminosity in your skin and you wake feeling more alert and recharged.  

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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