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SkinStore’s Experts Guide to Scalp Health: Treating Scalp Bumps

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert7 months ago
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Got an itchy scalp? You’re not alone. The truth is that itchy scalp bumps affect more of us than most of us realize, and while they’re annoying, they’re usually nothing majorly serious. The reason why your scalp itches can stem from a variety of different causes, but the good news is although the discomfort may seem like it’s here to stay, the right topical treatments can make a world of day and reinstate balance to your scalp. But before you can kiss an itchy bumps on scalp it brings goodbye; you’ll need to understand what’s causing them in the first place. So, if itchy scalp bumps prevent you from having your best hair days, here’s everything you need to know about why they occur and how to relieve your scalp.

Table of Contents:

What Causes Scalp Bumps?

There’s not just one reason why itchy scalp bumps form. They’re usually the result of anything from dandruff, an allergic reaction, or lice to scalp acne, psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis. Most scalp bumps are some iteration of a clogged hair follicle on the scalp, which can develop into a pimple over time. While most scalp pimples, which are isolated and consist of just one or a small cluster, pop up along the hairline, they can also take up residence anywhere on the scalp. If psoriasis is the cause of scalp bumps, you may see red, thick patches of skin that are more painful than a pimple. Similar to scalp psoriasis is scalp eczema. It, too, causes thick, red patches of skin to develop that can be inflamed, dry, and itchy. Scalp psoriasis and eczema are easily confused with acne, so it’s always a good idea to have your dermatologist assess what is happening.

Scalp bumps can affect everyone, but if your scalp is sweaty, you have oily hair, or you use heavy hair products regularly, you may experience scalp acne more than others.

How Can I Treat Scalp Bumps and Itchiness?

If you’re wondering how to treat itchy scalp, it’s pretty simple and straightforward. But, if you leave the bumps and itchiness alone, chances are the symptoms may fester and the bump can worsen, so scalp bump treatment is always recommended. While the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) shares that some people may develop bumps or pimples on their scalp when using certain shampoos, conditioners, or hairsprays, an easy to treat scalp bumps is to cut those products out of your haircare routine. It’s also worth trying to shampoo your hair more thoroughly with noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic hair products.

You can buy many different scalp acne products over the counter to alleviate itchy scalp bumps. The most effective ones contain ingredients such as salicylic and glycol acid, both of which help exfoliate the scalp to remove dead skin cells that can block the hair follicle, ketoconazole and ciclopirox, which are antifungal ingredients, and even benzoyl peroxide to help reduce acne-causing bacteria on the scalp. If products with these ingredients don’t cut it, a trip to your dermatologist may be necessary to properly diagnose the issue and ensure it doesn’t worsen and lead to scalp inflammation. Some more commonly doctor-prescribed courses of action include topical and oral antibiotics, steroid injections, antihistamines for allergic reactions, light therapy, and prescript acne medications.

Related Article: Scalp Impetigo: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment Strategies

What Are the Best Products for Scalp Bumps?

Usually, the best course of action is a combination approach consisting of appropriate shampoos, creams, and ointments. Some of our favorite scalp treatments and scalp bump treatments include the following:

AMELIORATE Soothing Scalp Essence

Ideal for dry, itchy scalps, this calming treatment helps to restore lost moisture in the scalp for less of a tight feeling. It comforts irritated scalps and helps protect against embarrassing white flakes thanks to a blend of nourishing oat extract, which is soothing to the skin. The non-greasy, fragrance-free, lightweight treatment also helps purify the scalp of excess sebum production and buildup to be more balanced and nourished. Ultimately, the scalp emerges hydrated, revitalized, and alleviated all its itchy symptoms.

VIRTUE Healthy Scalp Trio

When getting rid of scalp of bumps and itchiness is priority number one, this three-piece system does the job. Start with the weekly Purifying Shampoo, which eliminates impurities, including pollution, smoke, excess oil, product residue, and everyday debris from the scalp and hair without stripping the hair and scalp of their natural oils. Then, exfoliate dry, dead skin cells off the scalp with the Refresh Exfoliating Scalp Treatment. It also buffs away sebum buildup, so the hair appears glossy and bouncy. Finally, work the Refresh Topical Scalp Supplement onto the scalp to balance it and its good and bad bacteria ecosystem. The treatment, enriched with chamomile, white tea, and lavender, absorbs immediately and never leaves an oily or sticky residue behind.

Philip Kingsley Density Preserving Scalp Foam

What’s unique about this scalp product is that it’s a styling aid and scalp treatment in one, which most scalp bump products aren’t. Not only is the weightless, dual-action formula able to provide long-lasting volume and texture at the roots, but it also does a superior job of creating a healthy, optimal environment so that the scalp can thrive, and the hair can improve in terms of shine and strength.

Philip B Scalp Booster Leave-In Conditioner

When it comes to how to treat itchy scalps, it’s vital to use scalp and hair products that can cleanse, balance, and refresh the skin on the scalp so that it’s soothed and revitalized. We give this light, gentle mist two thumbs up for its ability to rebalance the scalp’s microbiome and regulate pH levels, which helps with itchiness and inflammation. It also works wonders for reducing excess oil production while boosting circulation so that the scalp is optimized, and hair can partake in healthy growth cycles.

Tips for Applying Scalp Products

When applying scalp products to alleviate scalp bumps and itchiness, there’s a right and wrong way to do it. For starters, any time a topical solution is used on the scalp, there are a few steps to make sure you practice for successful results:

  1. Always start by parting the hair down the middle to expose the scalp for easy access.
  2. Using the dropper packaged with the product (if there isn’t one, you can purchase one separately or spray it onto the hair), apply the product down the center of the part, working from the front toward the back. Make sure to saturate the scalp with the product.
  3. Then, make a second and third part on both sides of the original part. Each part should be about one to two inches apart from the one on top.  Continue to apply the product down the middle of each part.
  4. Finally, apply the product above the ears in the same pattern.

Topical products are designed to absorb into the scalp, and most are not washed out until your next shampoo unless otherwise instructed. For thicker or longer hair types, more products may be necessary to fully coat the scalp and hair.

The Bottom Line

Any time you see or feel something unusual on your scalp, it’s important to note and track its progression. Sometimes, a minor allergic reaction can leave the scalp itchy for a day or two, while other symptoms indicate an off-balance of pH levels, microbiome, or too much or too little oil production. When scalp acne arises, the best course of attack is to create a skincare plan just for the scalp and assess what you may have changed recently, contributing to the onset of symptoms. Nonetheless, changing your haircare products may sometimes be all it takes to eliminate an itchy scalp and scalp bumps.

Learn more about hair care tips and trends on SkinStore’s blog.

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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