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“Baby” Botox: Looking Younger Without Trying So Hard

“Baby” Botox: Looking Younger Without Trying So Hard
SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert6 years ago
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If you're new to the world of botox, you've probably already spent a good portion of your online hours scouring the pages of information that undoubtedly included the troves of horror stories about uninformed patients leaving the office with either a taut, corpse-like face or ballooning facial features.

Relax. You don't need to go there. Especially if you're only seeing a few fine lines, you really shouldn't stress yourself out over "going for broke." Just like everything else new in life, baby steps are the best way to approach something seemingly unfathomable.

What is "baby" botox?

"Baby" botox is just like it sounds. It's a smaller version of the typical botox injection you could get in the doctor's office, which, depending on the area of concern could be anywhere from 25 to 40 units.

With that said, a "baby" botox injection is a more diluted version of a regular injection with fewer units of botox per milliliter of saline. In a recent interview with Allure, Melissa Doft, a New York City board-certified plastic surgeon, said first-time botox patients are perfect for this.

I have many patients who ask for half the normal dose, as they do not want to look frozen but are tired of wrinkles in photos.

Not quite ready for the needle?

Good news! There's another way! One of the wonders of this millennia is the incredible advancements skincare technology. Fillerina has created a line of non-invasive filler treatment to help you plump up problem areas without the worries of freezing your face!

Using the highest concentrates of hyaluronic acid (HA), Fillerina offers five different grades of treatments to customize the products to your skincare concerns. They combine eight molecules of HA, varying in size, so that all layers of the skin can be penetrated, leaving you with smooth, plump and firm skin. Not only is this a more affordable option, but results from Fillerina can last up to three months!


Discover more Fillerina on SkinStore today.

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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