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Are you dreaming of a beautifully white, picture-perfect, movie star smile? Achieving your dream has never been easier, thanks to the number of teeth whitening products and techniques now available. Perk up your pearly whites today with one of these many teeth whitening, brightening options!

Teeth can stain, fade or take on a yellow or gray hue for a number or reasons, including genetics, aging, disease and infection, smoking, dental work/fillings and consuming foods like coffee, tea, berries and wine.
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  • Marvis Toothbrush - Black

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  • Marvis Classic Strong Mint Toothpaste 75ml

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Regular trips to the dentist and frequent brushing and flossing are of course always recommended. While toothpaste serves to help keep your teeth clean and polished, your breath fresh and your gums healthy, products that whiten and brighten your teeth work to restore your radiantly white smile.

Available in strips, liquids, pens, paints, gums and gels, tooth whiteners typically incorporate carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide as the active whitening ingredient, with the percentage of the active ingredient directly proportional to the length of time needed to achieve results (typically within 1 to 14 days).