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Understanding Cellulite

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert11 years ago
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One of the most dreaded body issues is cellulite, and the difficulty to banish it. Cellulite can create unsightly dimpling that usually forms on the upper part of the legs. It is caused by irregular fatty deposits below the skin’s surface. Unfortunately cellulite can affect anyone; it does not discriminate by age or by weight. Cellulite has more to do with the composition of fat cells, our level of collagen and the surrounding tissues. There are several known treatments for cellulite. One of the most common ingredients used in topical products is caffeine, which helps to stimulate the skin, increasing blood flow and reducing the fatty deposits. When applying a cellulite treatment, such as Bliss Fat Girl Slim, be sure to massage it into the skin for 30 seconds to a few minutes. This will stimulate blood flow in the area and promote even more circulation. Another form of treatment is Endermologie which uses rollers to help stretch out the fibrous bands of tissues and helps to release localized fat cells. For this form of treatment, take a look at the Wellbox Machine.

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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