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How To Beat The January Blues

How To Beat The January Blues
SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert7 years ago
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No matter how positive or happy you are, we are all susceptible to feeling a little blue at times. January is quite a common time to feel a little down in the dumps, which is why it's known as the 'January Blues'. The dark, cold nights, the aftermath of Christmas and trying to stick to unrealistic New Year's Resolutions can leave you feeling stressed, tired and a little bit sad. But don't worry! We are on hand to help you to avoid the January Blues and make sure your 2018 starts on a good note.


After an indulgent holiday season, you can be left feeling sluggish, bloated and a few pounds heavier. Not only will exercise help you to shift those extra pounds, but it will also boost your mood to leave you feeling happy and energized as you start your year.

Exercise is one of the easiest ways to improve your mental health and can have a dramatic effect on your mood. Exercizing makes your brain release feel-good endorphins, such as norepinephrine, which helps to control the brain's response to stress.

However, daily trips to the gym aren't going to help you feel good if you absolutely hate pounding the treadmill. Instead, try finding a form of exercise that you actually enjoy doing, such as walking outside, cycling or horse riding and you'll reap all of the benefits.

Try Meditation

If you're not quite feeling yourself in the New Year, it might be time to start meditating. Meditation has been proven to be one of the best forms of stress reduction to help you to feel happier, calmer and more positive.

Mindfulness mediation is one of the most forms of mediation. Mindfulness is the practice of living in the present moment to allow you to live a happier, calmer and more fulfilled life.

Book A Holiday

As the new year begins and you leave all of the excitement of the holidays behind, you can feel like you've got nothing to look forward to. Booking a holiday or weekend away will give you something to be excited about, releasing feel-good endorphins to keep your mood elevated.

Catch some ZZZ's

If you're feeling a little low and have got a lot on your mind, you may find it difficult to sleep. Sleep deprivation can actually contribute low moods, anxiety and depression.

To make sure you're getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Try to get into a routine and establish a regular bed time
  • Use a pillow spray to help you to drift off into a peaceful sleep
  • Stop exercizing at least 2 hours before going to bed
  • Get rid of all lights and distractions from your room

These top tips will help you to ward off those January Blues and go into 2017 healthy, happy and positive.

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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